Law Office of Stephanie P. Hambleton, Esq.
"All human actions have one or more of these seven causes: chance, nature, compulsions, habit, reason, passion, and/or desire."
Civil Litigation refers to the majority of contested legal actions that are not the result of criminal charges. This includes but is not limited to: breach of contract; negligence; landlord tenant disputes; personal injury/auto accidents; minor traffic infarctions; detinue; and family law. At Hambleton Law we are well-versed in all aspects of civil litigation and have a long-standing history of obtaining advantageous outcomes for our clients.

At Hambleton Law, we have years of experience in Family Law. Whether you are getting a divorce, battling for custody or guardianship of children, or are facing other family law issues (child support, paternity, and the like) - we have the knowledge, dedication, strength and compassion to obtain the best possible outcome for your particular circumstance.
Personal Injury actions result when an individual is injured through no fault of their own and as a direct result of the negligent or intentional actions of another. At Hambleton Law, we have the experience and tenacity required to obtain a favorable settlement or verdict for your personal injury case.

Minor Traffic Infractions consist of speeding tickets and all other payable traffic violations that assess a fine and/or could result in the assessment of points on your driver’s license. Although there is no potential for incarceration with these citations, there could be negative consequences including, but not limited to, suspension or revocation of your driving privileges. In these cases, Hambleton Law can appear in court for you and litigate the case without your appearance required. Types of minor traffic infractions include, but are not limited to: failing to stop at a stop sign; failure to reduce speed to avoid a collision; using a hand held device (cell phone) while driving; failure to yield right of way; failure to obey traffic lights or signs; speeding; and more. Not sure if your traffic infraction can be litigated by an attorney on your behalf? Reach out to us to see how we can help.
Criminal Cases involve an action that is considered to be harmful to society as a whole. This includes, but is not limited to: theft; DUI/DWI; assault and other violent crimes; drug offenses; property crimes; and more. We have years of experience and successful outcomes while representing those charged with criminal activity. At Hambleton Law, we have a comprehensive understanding of criminal law and have the knowledge, skills, and passion needed to ensure you get the best possible outcome in your Criminal Case.

Most commonly, Drug Crimes consist of the illegal use, possession, distribution, or manufacturing of illicit drugs. Illegal drug examples include, cocaine, heroin, and amphetamines. A drug conviction can result in harsh legal consequences. These consequences can negatively impact other parts of your life such as the ability to find a job, rent a home, or have legal custody or guardianship of children. Contact an attorney immediately if you are charged with any type of Drug Crime. At Hambleton Law, we will defend you, your rights, and work to lessen charges and legal ramifications.
Driving while Under the Influence (DUI) is issued if a person’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is of .08 or greater. A DWI charge or Driving While Impaired is issued when a person has a blood alcohol concentration of .07. Driving While Impaired by a Controlled Substance is issued when a person is deemed under the influence of a controlled substance (legal or illegal) and does not require a quantifiable amount to render a person impaired per se. A DUI/DWI can be issued to any person driving any type of motor vehicle while influenced/impaired by alcohol, drugs or controlled dangerous substances (legal or illegal). It is imperative to seek an attorney immediately if you are being charged with DUI/DWI, as there are consequences from the Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) that are time sensitive and could negatively impact you if not met, including loss of your driving privileges

A violent crime involves use or threat of violence against another individual. Violent crimes are broken down into five levels based upon type of crime committed and severity (or degree). Examples of crimes that fall under Felony I-IV are: robbery & aggravated robbery; first-degree assault; second-degree assault; aggravated assault; sexual offense/assault; domestic violence; carjacking; murder, manslaughter, criminally negligent homicide; attempted murder; felony murder; kidnapping or abduction; child abuse (multiple types); rape; and attempted rape. Felony charges can hold maximum sentences of life in prison to a minimum of 10 years for second-time offenders. It is imperative to seek legal counsel by a knowledgeable and experienced attorney, in order to ensure you have a fair trial.
Property Crimes are offenses where a person’s private property is stolen or destroyed. Force or threat of force against the victim is not always required. Property crimes include: burglary and theft; vandalism; arson; larceny; shoplifting; and motor vehicle theft. If you are accused of a property crime, seek counsel immediately. Depending on the value of the property stolen or destroyed, prosecutors can impose hefty fines and jail/prison time. Property crimes range from criminal misdemeanors to felony charges that can carry extensive prison sentences (up to 20 years) and fines up to $25,000.